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EMail MY LAwyer + OTL

Over The Line

 Over The Line, better known as OTL, is a fun in the sun sport that was born in San Diego. Old Mission Bay Athletic Club (OMBAC) hosts the world series of OTL each year at Fiesta Island in San Diego. It spans over two weekends and hundreds of teams come out to compete.

Email My Lawyer is proud to sponsor three teams including an Elite Women’s Team and an Elite Men’s team. The third team is comprised of lawyers who might be mightier in the court room then on the field but we are proud of them regardless.

We have a custom crafted cart that keeps all of the players and our supporters comfortable throughout the tournament. Come and see us next year for the 2020 OTL tournament!

Visit OMBAC for more details.


2018 Over The Line

Email My Lawyer was proud to sponsor three teams including a Women’s Elite and Men’s Elite team at the 2018 Over The Line Tournament at Fiesta Island sponsored by Old Mission Bay Athletic Club, OMBAC. The Women’s Elite finished in 21st place and the Men’s Elite made it to an amazing 5th place!

Email My Lawyer at the 2017 Over The Line